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Tote Bag (L) / Black TLB-0028

Tote Bag (L) / Black  TLB-0028
Tote Bag (L) / Black  TLB-0028

トートバッグ (L) / ブラック




サイズ:H42 × W53 × D17cm 持手 H28cm
材質:綿 100%、タイベック、牛革、裏地レーヨン 100%


Tote Bag (L) / Black

The SANS-SERIF bag features a Tyvek roll sign (a destination sign that rotates and changes on the front of the bus) that was actually installed on the body of a British London bus that had finished its service in the 1980s and 1990s, and is made of high-quality Japanese canvas. The bag is a one-of-a-kind item, carefully sewn one by one by hand using Japanese bag craftsmen's sewing techniques.

This is a large-capacity tote bag with a wide width that was created to effectively utilize the impact of the letters on the roll sign mounted on buses. The model that led to the launch of the brand, this tote bag is just the right size for a short trip of two to three days that does not require the use of a suitcase. It is useful not only for everyday use, but also for a variety of situations such as the gym, golf, and outdoor activities. Please use it freely and crisply putting anything in it because of its storage capacity.

・Raised bottom to prevent loss of shape and to maintain a three-dimensional appearance.
・The canvas lining is laminated with cotton ox fabric to increase strength.
・The inside of Tyvek is reinforced by hand-applying non-woven fabric to increase durability.
・The handles, bottom, and inside top are made of carefully selected tanned cowhide leather from a tannery in Himeji, Japan. 
・Thick bottom panel with Velporen to prevent damage from sharp objects.
・Open pocket, zipper pocket, plastic bottle holder

Size: H42 × W53 × D17cm Handle H25cm
Weight: Approx. 950g
Material: COTTON 100%, Tyvek, Cowhide, Lining: Rayon 100%
Country: JAPAN

《Notes on Purchasing》
Since the industrial materials of that time are reused, the surface is cleaned, but stains and dirt may remain. These are left as they are as part of the design texture. As it is a delicate product, I do not recommend washing as it may cause the shape to be lost. However, if the canvas fabric becomes dirty, please pat it off with a soft cloth with diluted mild detergent. Please note that color may stick when using the product in friction or rain, or when wearing white clothing. Please note that the color of the canvas (black) may fade slightly. The white base of Tyvek has fibers raised by friction.







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〈鞄職人京鞄士 アトリエにて撮影〉

